Getaway cabin
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2014 - ongoing renovations and adaptations
While mostly common to Europe many cultures feature a form of communal gardens. In different countries they go by names such as allotment, community garden, P-patch or dacha. In the Netherlands ‘volkstuinen’ have been around for more than 150 years. Historically, these were intended for use by city working class, to provide them with the opportunity to grow produce to supplement their diet. In modern times function has shifted to a much more recreational character.
The allotments that feature garden houses can transform into small villages during spring and summer. In a way these small houses can be seen as tiny houses avant la lettre. The location of this specific garden getaway is in of one of the main city parks of Amsterdam, uniquely located close to the historical center.
This cabin is the Architype testbed where we continuously try out ideas and materials. It is styled to a fusion of a Nordic or Alpine cabin theme combined with a beach house. Purposely it is designed to offer a minimalist and utilitarian comfort. While providing only basic amenities it compensates with an outdoor atmosphere of wellbeing. Simple important things seem to take higher value here. It is perfect for relaxing with family and friends, or as a retreat for focus and creativity. As a work studio it regularly hosts brainstorming sessions and informal meetings.